Watervale Medical Centre, Watervale Shopping Centre, 18/2-14 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill

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Watervale Medical Centre is listed in the following categories: Establishment   Health  


+61 3 9307 9161

Watervale Shopping Centre, 18/2-14 Calder Park Drive, Taylors Hill, Victoria 3037

Establishment   Health  

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  • samah ellaz
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Staff were amazing (receptionists) but the doctor I went to was shockingly rude ! Dr thusitha welendawe. Literally been to so much doctors and he is he rudest I've ever met . I do not recommend him what so ever . Went to him for my son about his mild asthma that he was diagnosed with when he was a baby in Perth And they said as he grows it'll go. he only gets a little wheezy when his sick and he asked when was the last time he wheezed I'm like he hasn't wheezed in the last 12 months because he has not been sick so I wasn't sure if it's gone or not . so he kept saying he doesn't have asthma I'm like ok then I need a paper stating from the doc saying he doesn't have asthma. the kinder said go to the doc and explain your situation and he will say if he needs a plan or not . His reply was he has no asthma and I was trying to explain to him that he only gets it when his sick but he hasn't had it in a long time but he kept telling me not to lie and beat around the bush and risk my sons life and say he has no asthma so he can go into kinder .. so I kept explaining my situation cause I was confused I wasn't sure what's happening cause I was sure my son had asthma so I just wanted to know if he needs a plan or not and I will never put my sons life at risk ! I came to the doc for a reason to know what's happening if he does need a ventolin or not ! He was putting me down as a mother as if I don't care about my son. he didn't want to hear a bar of it in the end he gave me a asthma plan for kinder took it there and they said it's the wrong one ! So i don't know where he got his cert for been a doc but damn he is just plain stupid !
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Watervale Medical Centre is based in Taylors Hill. Full address is Watervale Shopping Centre, 18/2-14 Calder Park Drive. Australia postal code is 3037. We invite you to visit the official website of Watervale Medical Centre . There you can find last news, actual informations about working hours, additional contact details. Also you can call the contact number +61 3 9307 9161 to ask your questions. In today's world the easiest way to get information from social media profiles. Please check facebook, google+, twitter social profiles of Watervale Medical Centre.
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